Prolonged Fire Season

get involved with a program

Have you ever wanted to donate time to a rewarding cause? Look forward this summer to being able to donate time to our cause. if you are not involved with a regional help center, feel free to help with brush clearance and trail maintenance. Many organizations provide a modest amount of help to the locally affected areas. Unfortunately, the economy has forced Capitol Hill to make decisions to balance the budget. This has translated to cuts in funding to our State and Federal parks and forests; moreover deprive our fire agencies funds that may be used to purchase additional equipment.  All of the resources we have wind up coming from donors like you. If you have spare property and want to grow saplings for our reforestation efforts, please contact us. These saplings will be grown to transplant in a reforestation effort. Get in touch with us by sending us a word. Please submit the form on the left.

"The Clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness." 

-John Muir 

Check Back Soon

Our Store is in progress

We apologize for any inconvenience. Our online store is being revamped to really show off the new styles of Summer and Fall. Licensing is still in the works and we hope your wait is not longer than a few more days. Please check back soon on this page. We hope to change it from more to store. The store hopes to infuse the necessary funds to buy more real estate to house the goats used for brush clearance.

Sapling Seeds

Reforestation seeds

Seeds are provided by Stover Seed Company in Los Angeles. All the seeds acquired are indigenous to California. 

Donations are used to offset purchases added to the hydro-mulch applications in reforestation efforts.

Send us a word



Teddy Roosevelt was considered in his time to be the Conservation President. Although a hunter, he was a conservationist unparalleled for his time. In fact, many hunters are also conservationists. Many a president since has made laws which directly contributed to our national and state parks. Roosevelt's impact on the concept of conservation in America was far reaching and is still being felt and deeply appreciated by today's generations. The reason we do what we do is to conserve the resources and help heal the forests for all who inhabit and visit it to enjoy.