
In the words of john Muir:

"The battle we have fought, and are still fighting for the forests is a part of the eternal conflict between right and wrong, and we cannot expect to see the end of it. ... So we must count on watching and
striving for these trees, and should always be glad to find anything so surely good and noble to strive for."

What we do

National Public Charity

How do we 'prevent and restore' the damage from wildfires? We work to fund local and national agencies to assist with brush clearance programs in order to prevent wildfires; ultimately lessening the financial burden of the Department of Forestry and fire protection. To work closely with organizations to help restore forest areas damaged by wildfires by replanting indigenous plants and trees, trail repair and maintenance, cleaning debris and pollution away from the tributary water ways that enter our rivers and contaminate eco systems.

Who depends on the studies performed by the American Wildfire Fund? The studies are performed by the risk to satisfy State and Federal grant programs awarded to the organization to benefit Forestry, Fire, and environmental protection agencies.


Our Mission

To provide AID

To prevent and restore the extent of damage wildfires cause in America to people, animals, ecosystems, and the environment in our state and national parks, forests, and rivers. To further the studies of environmental impact to wild fire damaged areas in order to minimize future damage in our treasured state and national parks, forests, and rivers.

A list of operations.

1.– Organizing and providing financial aid to local and national agencies (i.e. Red Cross, Salvation Army, food banks, Humane Society veterinary clinics). Who in turn help those victimized by wildfires at the local level.

2.- Provide aid to organizations and fire agencies for brush clearance programs in order to minimize the spread of wildfires.

3. - Meet with leaders of fire agencies in charge of our state and national parks, forests, and rivers. To create and organize local and regional fundraising programs, discuss what fire prevention programs are in place, which measures work best, and what can be improved upon to better prevent massive wildfire damage to our state and national parks, forests, and rivers.

4. To educate people of the hazards that lead to the perils of wildfires in our country, how to help prevent wildfires, and how our  organization can help them.